Contact Us

Important: We only provide support if you have a current subscription within the last year. Your order ID or subscription ID is needed before we can provide technical support.

Also, We only support versions which are within the EOL period. For older versions, we ONLY provide license key support.

We are located in Santa Barbara, California, USA.  We answer emails between Monday through Friday 9 AM - 5 PM PST.   It may take ~8-16 hours for us to look at your issue, because of your location (asia, europe) and other users pending support requests.  On Weekends we try to answer emails within 24-36 hours.

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Technical support

Please use the Email Support Generator.
* This feature helps us recreate your settings on our test systems.
* Use the help Menu (Front panel of the Software user interface)
* Click on Email Support Generator menu
* Task to Analyze field - select your task title(s) using the button next to field.
* You can select multiple tasks using the CTRL button. If there is no task created, enter None.
* Message body - explain your issue. Indicate the task run time or task instance.
* Click on the 'Create ZIP' button.
* Email us the file created.

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Email Us

Important - Include your current Order ID or Subscription ID purchased/renewed within last 1 year

For Automize - Click here

For JaSFTP - Click here

For AutoKrypt - Click here

For AbleFTP - Click here

As always, it is a pleasure doing business with you. We are very happy with the capabilities of the new version of Automize and are looking forward with moving ahead with our first production system based on this software. –Automize Enterprise User

Thanks for your timely response. You make a great product, and we're integrating it more and more into our daily production activities. I will try out these FTP suggestions as you've outlined. –JaSFTP User

Just wanted to compliment you folks on a great product. your product is working flawlessly! I'll definitely be purchasing it, and telling every other "IT type" I know about it! Thanks so much. –Automize User

Your program was exactly what I was looking have all the features that I require; all in one program!!–AbleFTP user